⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅ The Soloist

What am I playing?

When soloing, I play a couple of games at once. This keeps me from burning out because if one becomes a hassle, I can switch to the other until the situation reverses. I have two games in progress; you’ll see the logs soon, but it can’t hurt to tell you a little about them.

My first game is Black Sword Hack, which involves searching for a messianic rebel leader in an Arabian Nights-style setting. The heroine, Noor, is an assassin of the Caliph and is ready to die in his service. What she’ll discover at the edge of the Caliphate is anyone’s guess. I’m calling that one The Word of al-Masih, and I have an excellent “poster” for it, but I don’t know where to share that. I’ll figure something out.

I’ve just started the other game, The Mecha Hack, and I’m calling it The Mecha Hack because I have no idea what the story is about. I made a character for it and haven’t even delved into the plot. However, I have a traditional group campaign called Metal Storm Rising that might make a good title for a series of this purpose. They could all tie together.

Once I begin posting logs, I’ll do so about once a week, as I don’t want to overwhelm anyone with reading. My logs generally run about four pages and take six minutes to read. Still, some people consider six minutes of a reading an eternity.

See you soon!