⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅ The Soloist

Enter the Soloist

Tabletop roleplaying games are having a moment. Dungeons & Dragons is everywhere, played by folks as disparate as Hollywood stars and the weird kid who lives next door. When I was a young man, RPGs were the province of oddballs and misfits. Not so anymore.

Despite the growing number of RPG enthusiasts and the expanding range of RPGs, forming a group can be a daunting task. Your friends might not share your interests, or you might feel uncomfortable playing with strangers. You might even have a unique game preference that no one else seems to share. In such situations, solo roleplaying can be a liberating alternative.

Welcome to this blog dedicated to solo roleplaying. In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll delve deeper into the art and practice of solo RPGs, and I'll share my adventures through examples of play. While I’m not the first to embark on this journey, nor will I be the last, I'm eager to shed light on this fascinating aspect of the hobby and hopefully ignite your interest to give it a try.

So join me in this exploration once or twice a week. Let’s see what cool things we can discover because tabletop roleplaying ought to be for everyone, regardless of whether they can assemble a half-dozen friends to share the experience.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next time.